You can choose from several plans for your membership, from which you can choose the one that suits your personal requirements. The overview of the features of the plans and their differences can be found on our website at Features & Prices.
Your plan and account history
You can view your currently used plan at any time in the administration panel under Membership. There you will also see the history of your user account under the item Account history.
Upgrade & Downgrade
You can switch to a different plan at any time. Your current plan appears in the panel under Membership. With an upgrade, the extended features are available to you immediately after ordering. If you switch to a lower plan, you will retain the previous features of the billing period you have already paid for.
All payment processing and invoicing is done through our partner Existing invoices will be displayed in the Account history of the membership page where you can download them and add your address.
On the panel's membership page, you can view the plan you are currently using at any time. If you have a paid plan, you have an option of cancelling it. The features are available to you until the end of the current term.